Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My Personal Plan to Achieve Ecological Sustainability


What do I plan to do after learning a bunch of information about the environment?

As a student in the 8th Grade, I plan to do the simplest but most improving things possible for a student as young as me. I plan to take care of stray dogs in the streets. I think by doing this, a ton of dog lives can be saved from death and further animal abuse or violence. I am planning on planting more fresh produce in my garden because my helper has a green thumb and she plants a lot of seeds and they grow miraculously. I hope that with my willingness to do this activity, I can easily learn how to plant fruits and vegetables with natural fertilizer from my helper. I also believe that when a person plants or takes care of an animal or plant, it's a good sign of ecological sustainability development because there will be more greens growing on empty patches of land and animals will be able to reproduce well and their threats of extinction will no longer rise. I think that anyone as young as I am can make a big difference to the improvement and rehabilitation of the environment and its ecosystem. Every action counts, no matter how small or big it is, it matters a lot! Never lose hope because this is not a hopeless case! Nothing is impossible as long as you believe in what you stand for and in what you are doing!

These are some pictures that I took myself when I was bored: 

Nothing beats your connection with nature!

This is the best spot in my garden. I just love admiring this area.
It makes me feel peaceful and chill, even just for a little while.

Since my house is surrounded with nature, I learned to appreciate its unique beauty.
Nature is one of the best gifts that God has given us because it's like a super high definition view,
except that it's in reality.

I hope that you liked and enjoyed my blog! I'm hoping to at least get one share on Facebook* so that people will be aware of what's happening to our environment and what we can do to help!

*Just joking! You don't need to share this blog! But it's okay if you do! But please don't. :)


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